Academics & Infomercials

 Deconstruction of Global Environmental Factors for Organizational Rehabilitation 

( A Harvard Reference Project)

Phase 01: To date Conditions and Customs of the Global Trade

The first economic turning point for major economic and industrial reforms circa 1700-1800 is long past the boom and had been cast aside after a long and regressive financial depression stage.( F.John, 2013) With the skeleton of the buried giant the world is on the fast track to rebuilding its commercial prowess and capital stability. Contemporary scientific and technological developments has led to globalization of products. The Stock market horses are running and grinnin to gain the point-to-point lead on a global scale. In an era where automation and mechanical progress are dubbed the alchemists of product development (Bruce Jacobs, 1999). Ease of access and e-commerce having extended the outreach of an average consumers significantly is translated into the demand curve to shoot through the roof. Whereas Mass production and efficient logistics methods have transformed the infrastructure of trade rules (Stephan Voss, 2006). The capitalist empire is lingering on a safe recessive stage if not complete recovery.


* Wukovits, F.John; 2013; The Victorian Era; Detroit, USA; Lucent Books
* I. Jacobs, Bruce; 1999; Capital Ideas and Market Realities; Malden, Mass; Blackwell                           Publishers.
* Voss, Stefan; 2006; Introduction to computational optimization models for production planning in a supply chain; Berlin; Springer Publishers.
*  Web references (2019) ; What are the internal and External environment factors that affect                  business;
* ; Available at >; Accessed on [ 06 Nov,2019].

In this day and age any organization or industrial state are surviving with means of mutual cooperation and codependency( Amit and Shah, 2018). The great shift in the nature of trade and economics is pressing the need to update and upgrade the tools and strategies to meet the present mark. Financial wellbeing and longevity is in a state of delicate balance between depression and recession (Paul H. Nystrom, 1978). These new thresholds opened to businesses and organization in this period of technical reform had unveiled many unmarked cruxes to be trekked and conquered. The average rate of breakeven ratio for more and more production units and corporations is dropping despite the significant increase in population and consumerism transcend (Steve Thompson,1988). Blue chips, public limited, private limited, national, multinational, partnerships and sole enterprises alike can be classified in a pyramid of sustaining modest to primal effects of this vocational tutelage.


* H.Nystrom, Paul; 1978; Economics of retailing; Newyork; Arno Press.
* Thompson, Steve; 1988; Internal Organization, Efficiency and Profit; Oxford city; Phillip Allan Publishers
* Gittman J, Lawrence; Mcdaniel, Carl; Shah, Amit; 2018;Introduction to Business; USA; Pressbooks publications.
* Web references: Mukher, Subho; (2019); 7 Factors Determining the Internal Environment of a Business; ; Available at >
environment/7-factors-determining-the-internal-environment-of-a-business/10099; Accessed on [06 Nov,2019].

 A detailed scrutiny of refurbished external and internal factors dictating the corporate progress are listed as under:


a.1) Trade laws and Political policies
a.2) Cultural Barriers
a.3) Economic differences
a.4) Forex exchanges
a.5) Communication differences
a.6) Trade policies and limitation.
a.7) Scarcity of Alternate fuels


b.1) Organizational Morale. 
b.2) Mission and Motto.
b.3) Corporate Structure
b.4) Management practices and Corporate culture.
b.5) Human resources execution
b.6) Physical Resources and Technological capabilities.

                                                      EXTERNAL FACTORS

a.1) Trade laws and Political policies :

Legal requirements, custom laws and political environment surrounding trade is a guaranteed delta as far as the international commerce is concerned( Mitchell young, 2009). However, these rules and policies may also vary within the different administrative units of a domestic market i.e provinces, cities and states. According to Nikkita Dutta, (2019) After the World War II (1939-1945), commercial policy underwent a change when the wave of pro­tectionism swept all over the world. Estimated cost and distribution circuits needs to be tailored to match the complexities of the particular divergent sector. Requiring coherent amends at micro level and the relative macro apparatus tweaked accordingly.


* Young, Mitchell; 2009; Free Trade; Detroit; Green haven Press.
* Dutta, Nukkita; 2019; Trade Policy: Free Trade and Protection;;; Accessed on [ 08 Nov,2019]

a.2) Cultural Barriers :

Culture and traditional perseverance is more and more becoming a phenomenon of the modern world ( Camska, 2013) . The challenge to deflect the shield of diversity and at the same time avoiding the intrusive demeanor is a cliffhanger of trials and errors. Most workplace are bound to be a mixture of multi racial, diverse ethnicity and transcultural context (Funakawa, 1997). Without a thorough and in-depth research of the targeted market may make or break the success ratio of any organization.


* Camska, Dagmar; Efficiency Measures of Cultural Organizations; Journal of Economics and management; Vol.18, Issue.03; Accessed on [ 08 Nov,2019]
* Funakawa, Atsushi; 1997; Transcultural Management; San Francisco; Jossey-Bass Publishers

a.3) Economic Differences :

Wikipedia describes economic inequality in terms of wealth, income and consumption. Based on the annual GDP, count of population, demographic fluctuations and supply-demand structure the economic component is variant from region to region.


* 2016; Economics Inequality;;; Accessed on [Nov 08, 2019]

a.4) Forex ratios and channels :  

E-commerce had taken the world by the horns. The changes in the economy dynamics is reflected in Forex exchange fluctuations being naturally subjected to rise and drop (Hossein, 2002). The preferred channels and platforms for monetary transfer have become an important mode of the equation, mainly on the account of service charges and tax deductions.


* Bidgoli, Hossein; 2002; Electronic Commerce; San Diego; Academics Press

a.5) Communication Differences:

Most of the singular administrative units are bilingual if not multilingual (Keith, 1996). In order to capture a lion's share of the market, the importance of communication and languages can not be overlooked.


* J.Devlin, Keith; 1996; Language at work; Stanford, Cliff; Center of study of Language and information.

a.6) Trade policies and Limitations:

Trade restrictions, consumer bans and import controls are a practical and active implications faced by a marketer (Buckmen, 2005). These ever changing policies and turning points pose a threat of limitation for the organization, which may bring about positive or negative changes on the organizational environment.


* Buckmen, Greg; 2005; Global Trade; London; Zed Books Ltd.

a.7) Scarcity of Alternate fuels:

Trade world have waved off the days of slow and inefficient logistics. The permutation of aviation and improved infrastructure had opened up channels of quick and easy transfer. Consequently natural fuel sources are abused and exhausted extensively, resulting in scarcity and extortionate of rapidly paltrying fuel sources (Mckinnon,2015). The lack of investment and political deflection in alternate fuel generation is a huge contributing element of the strenuous position commercial system.


* McKinnon, C.Alan; 2015; Green Logistics; London, UK; Kogan Page Limited

                                                   INTERNAL FACTORS

b.1) Organizational Morale :

Referring to the value system of an organization. Which are the moral guidelines and hierarchy at the core of its foundations. These values directs the rules and regulations within an organization (D.Kerns, 2005). Treatment of employees, transfers of promotions and acceptance or rejections of proposed projects. For example a progressive organization advocates equal pay rights for both genders.


* D.Kerns, Charles; 2005; Values centered Ethics; Amherts, Mass; HRD Press

b.2) Mission and Motto:

An organization founded on morales but it moves forward keeping in view its mission. For many companies a motto is a short statement that gives them recognition in the marketplace. (Web reference) A strictly for-profit organization had the objective to seep knee deep into the market shares. Whereas a charity or a welfare organization strives to bring about social reforms and are based on philanthropic constitution. The blue-print of motto of any organization casts the scope of its future business strategy, market conduct and commercial domain.


* Bianca, Audra; 2007; What Is a Business Motto?;;; Accessed on [Nov 08,2019]

b.3) Corporate Structure:

Corporate structure represents the main body of the organization. From head to foot, it is the procedure of defining professional anatomy of the workplace(M.Dabbah, 2007). Structure of the management, apex of corporate and the formation of the authoritative channels. It is a determination of duties and responsibilities to be carried out and accounted for, affixed in anticipation for all the stakeholders of the corporate.


* M.Dabbah, Maher; 2007; Competition law and policy in the Middle east; Cambridge City; CambridgeUniversity Press

b.4) Management practices and Corporate culture:

Based on the school of thought, value system and educational background the most frequently practised management practice emerge and are solidified(S.Omar, 2013). Corporate culture is a set of norms and exceptions, being applied and followed by all employees. Top management plays a major role in creating a conducive and productive or destructive and disruptive corporate culture. More and more organizations are invested in creating a more humanized workplace to maximize their prolific quotient.


* S.Omar, Samira A; 2013; Range Management in Arid Zones; Abingdon Oxon; Routledge, Taylor & Francis

b.5)  Human Resource Execution:

HRM is the backbone for ensuring the long term welfare and safeguard of both the employers and the employees (Rod Jones,2013) . On one hand, transparent evaluation of performance appraisals warrants a maximum reprecurtion from the workers and on the other hand  secures the employee personal well being and assurance of security. There is also a division of labour for the technical coordinators and managers, assisting them to focus on best quality production by the way of lessened distractions ( Torrington, 1995). Curing the social atmosphere of the negative ailments and discouraging passive practices.


* Jones, Rod; 2013; HRM Fundamentals; Nollamara, W.A; HRVET publishers
* Torrington, Derek; 1995; Personnel Management; London; Prentice-Hall International

b.6) Liquid Resources and Technical integration:

Fixed assets like office buildings, manufacturing units, vehicles for transportation and adaptability towards the innovation are crucial for the competitive prowess of an organization. Based on its size and origins any company may have limited or unlimited resources (Jon Conrad, 2010). The bulk of assets placed wrongly pose a bigger threat to the lifespan than their absence. Efficient decision making is the key.
A small business needs to must headed in the direction of securing for future accumulation. (Janet Smith, 2006). Infrastructure and expansion while a big corporations with plethora needs to plant potent management structures in place for carrying out all corporate operations with rigorous aptitude. 

References :

* M.Conrad, Jon; 2010; Resource Economics; Newyork; Cambridge University Press
* Smith, Janet; 2006; Liquid Assets; Liquid Assets; London; English Heritage


 Phase: 02 -. A Comparative Case Study of Omani Organizational Environmental

The Basis of the rehabilitation argument has been established in phase-01 concerning the influences of contributing elements of organizations structure around the world.  For the second phase of argument it is essential to establish the environmental dynamics of the Omani organization. Oman is one of the six founding countries of GCC namely the gulf cooperation council a political and economical alliance of the petroleum bigwigs of middle east( Richard K.Common). Oman, though not at the peak of the economic ladder is still, dubbed as the fastest growing rate of economy among it neighbourly counterparts. According to (Mohd. Issa report) Many economists and industry are keenly interested in the study of the internal and external factors of organizational environment which have allowed the Oman to secure a prestigious spot in terms of overall progress and development.


* Common, K. Richard; barriers to developing 'leadership' in the sultanate of Oman; International journal of leadership studies; Vol. 06, Issue. 02; (2011); Pages (220-228); Accessed on [06 Nov,2019].
* Ugheoke, Solomen Ozemoyah; Mohd, Isa, Mohd. Fazal; Wan Mohd. Noor, Wan Shakizah; The Influence of Organizational Culture on Employees Performance: Evidence from Oman; Vol.04, Issue 02; (2016); Pages (05-10); Accessed on [06 Nov,2019]

Another crucial facet that makes Omani economic progression unique is the basic structure of its governance being fashioned after a structure almost alien to western management styles and practices in comparison( Buckley, Gary, 2011) . There is a lack of documented authoritative scriptures and pre-planned blueprints of operations to be carried out. Instead the face value and naturally understood hierarchy driven by cultural norms is widely applicable and evident.


* Rynhart, Gary; Buckley; (2011); The Sultanate of Oman, the enabling environment for sustainable enterprises: An "EESE" Assessment; Switzerland; International Labour Organization/ ILO publications

The factors of internal and external contradictions are listed as under:

a.External factors of Omani Environment:

a.1) Peace and Political stability.
a.2) Corruption and Transparency
a.3) Tribalism
a.4) Human rights watch
a.5) Economic Policy
a.6) DBI (Doing Business Index)
a.7) Judicial System
a.8) Trade routes and Infrastructure
a.9) Academic excellence

b. Internal factors of Omani Environment:

b.1) Religious influences
b.2) Nepotism
b.3) Leadership styles
b.4) HR management
b.5) Introduction of diversity inside the workplace
b.6) Labour unions
b.7) Traditional values
b.8) Merit and Qualification


                                  a.External factors of Omani Environment:

a.1) Peace and Political stability:

A healthy law and order situation is necessary for the benefit of work prosperity and economic boast. The air in the middle eastern countries is often disrupted on account of the global political interest and monopoly dissections of the petroleum industry. (Anthony Cordesman, 2018). Other than the protest against corrupt ministers of the country the general air of said middle eastern gulf is content and peaceful. The people of the country have the liberty to explore their aggregate opinions in public and enjoy democratic liberties, despite the monarch system of the state.


* H.Cordesman, Anthony; 2018; Bahrain, Oman, Qatar, And The Uae; Bouldar; Taylor and Francis

a.2) Corruption and Transparency:

Oman ranked 41 out of 180 countries in the CPI in 2010, (corruption perceptions Index) during a transparency survey conducted annually by WEF(World Economic Forum). From
that point there had been a trend of fall and rise in the rank, indicating that Oman is struggling to improve in terms of this scale (Polackova, 2015). There had been strict law implication made in lieu of pursuing a more transparent and conducive work environment.


* Polackova Brixi, Hana; 2015; Trust, Voice and Incentive; Washington, D.C.; World Bank Group

a.3) Tribalism:

Oman is driven by its cultural and traditional values at an elementary level (Salzman, 2008). There had been a considerable shift  following the economic and industrial progression and innovation. However the tribalism exists and thrives in the main body of governance. This unusual factor is responsible for contributing to the judicial unrest and coerced social influences( Al-Jabbar, 2003). There had been treaties and unanimity suspension of hostility among the tribes. The element of competition and supremacy is always in question. It is best to implant tactics by coherent embellishment of the stakeholders.


* Carl Salzman, Philip; 2008; Culture and Conflict in the Middle East; Amherst, New York; Humanity Books
* Abd Al- Jabbar, Falih; 2003; Tribes and power; London; Saqi Publishers

a.4) Human Rights Watch:

The insurance of basic human rights is the top most priority of any government. Oman had experienced lags in terms of the reports issued by the UN Human rights convention and ILOCs (International Labour Organization Core Labour Standards) (Elias Runebag, 2013). There had been a noteworthy trend of absence of political freedom and expression. Although the press is liberated and revels freedom of speech with the exception of a few matters. Civilians have the right to vote, own property, businesses,higher education and inheritance marking a positive step towards further improvisation.


* Runeberg, Elias; 2013; Human rights in the states of the Gulf Cooperation Council; New York; Nova Science

a.5) Economic Policy:

The state of macroeconomics in Oman is vastly sought after in the GCC. With a backbone of the economy resting on mostly on the Oil gas production industry and market (Luciani, 2012). Despite the trend in the rate of constant growth in the GDP . The Index are always vulnerable to the downturn in domestic supply and fluctuations in the prices of Oil and Gas based products in the international market. The rate of inflation had been stabilized after 2012( Mirza, 2009). Making up for an overall positive outlook in this particular stance with more than 60% of the organization forecasting a favorable growth trend in the for the preceding financial year.


* Luciani, Giacomo; 2012; The Gulf region; Berlin; Gerlach Press
* Mirza, Adal; 2009; Building an Industry; London; Middle East Economic Digest

a.6) DBI (Doing Business Index): 

DBI or Doing Business Index is a unit for ranking of countries in terms of fertility of their economic vessels and systems for the new and existing business prospects on a global scale courtesy of the World Bank (S.Mansur, 2008). As a rule of thumb Oman weigh less in the balance of GCC from an approved standard. This theory is reflected in the fact that the survival of small business venture against the pitbulls of large scale organizations is often mismatched. Whereas keeping in view the inductive growth trend environment many international corporations and brands have invested in the stock, consumer markets and public sectors.


* S.Mansur, Ahsan; 2008; Stock market developments in the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council; Basingstoke, England; Palgrave Macmillan

a.7) Judicial System:

Oman was able to secure the 24th in the 2010-2011 in the global ranking of the World Economic Forum Competitiveness report out of 139 economies (Jerichow,1998). Despite the elementary tribal practices and influences its judicial system have prevailed the sanctity of equal rights and justice supplication.


* Jerichow, Andres; 1998; The Saudia File; Richmond; Curzon.

a.8) Trade routes and Infrastructure: 

The Omani government has been investing considerable capital and utilities in the development of trade routes and economy friendly infrastructure (Griffith, 2002). Which is a crucial feature and upgraded the logistics facilitation for the existing and the contemplenting investors and corporations.


* Griffith, Arthur; 2002; GCC, The complete reference; New York; McGraw-Hill/Osborne

a.9) Academic Excellence: 

An infinite plethora of choice academic institutions and universities have contributed in not only raising the bar of the merit for the general public but also attracted talent from remote areas of the world (web references). Development for skills of complex economic structure within the GCC as well as on a global scale is warranted by the way of preserving the prowess of foundation with rightful and lawful expertise.


* Vassilev, Valentin; 2018; The Rise of the MBA in the Middle East;;; Accessed on [08 Nov, 2019]


                                      b. Internal factors of Omani Environment:

b.1) Religious influences:

Islam is the main religion praticed by the majority of the people in the Oman state. There is always a distinct mention of supreme authority being invested in Divinity ( Christie, 2006). The royal family and tribal lords enforce secondary jurisdiction. The influences of the religious origins are extended to the basis of management styles and hierarchical chassis with in work ethics and workplace.


* Christie, Niall; 2006; Noble ideals and bloody realities; Leiden; Brill Publications

b.2) Nepotism:

The masses at large are governed and directed with the tribal and familial based political supremacy in the Oman State. Despite the inclination for integration of merit and innovation in the organizational framework by the sultanate monarch, swift remittance of the nepotist conveyance of mandate is a slow process( Alan Rush, 1991). While the heirs holds the keys to the wealth and financial well being of the masses, merit and qualification estimates are not necessarily accounted for priorities. With the rise of academic pursuits and liberation of youth the safeguard of the personal agenda of the nation can be ensured.


* De Lacy Rush, Alan; 1991; Ruling Families of Arabia; Slough; Archive Editions

b.3) Leadership Styles:

In respect to the standards of the western management sciences and methodologies, the leadership style of the Omani corporates is extraordinarily contrasting in nature and origins (Keller, 1988).The employees showing signs of leadership who are not part of the royal circle or tribunal favor are targeted and prone to feel discouraged in the work environment. There had been amends made and better corporate culture are cultivated with the help of revised policies and merit based appointments.


* Keller, Barbara; 1988; Leadership and negotiation in the Middle East; New York; Praeger

b.4) Human Resource Management:

The phenomenon of introducing human resource is relatively new to the typical Omani corporations( Adawi,2014) . With a management structure in place with absolute power practicing models fixed on the high stands, it is not a practical prospect to be able to prosecute the Human resource policies on a scale similar to that of a common worker. However the rigidity of this modus operandi is made up by the assurance of introducing diversification in the workforce.


* Al-Adawi, Samir; Tomorrow’s People Matters: Evidence for Action in Oman; Oman Medical Journal; Vol.29, Issue: 02; Pages (83-84); Accessed on 08 Nov,2019.

b.5) Introduction of Diversity in the workplace:

A diverse staff of blue and white color staff had been admitted to the kingdom of Oman for proposing better opportunities and career options( Wippel, 2013). Which is a healthy addition to the stagnant economic meters for a fast developing country like Oman. The landmass and suburbs are becoming more and more populated and real estate markets are flourishing.


* Wippel, Steffen; 2013; Regionalizing Oman; Dordrecht; Springer Netherlands

b.6) Labour unions:

To increase the lucrativity for the diversity the kingdom of Oman had allowed the Labour Unions in recent times (Etheredge, 2011). There are reliable laws and policies in place for the benefit of the masses and the leadership.


* Etheredge, Laura; 2011; Persian Gulf States; New York; Britannica Educational Pub., in association with Rosen Educational Services

b.7)  Traditional Values:

Despite the large scale addition of diverse cultures, a peculiar and determined reluctance for holding on to the traditional values and orthodox practices streams strongly among the ruling and the working class alike(Peter Vine, 1995). The doors of Omani businessmen and traders are opened for innovation and modernization while at the same time hosting the foreign invasions with their traditional lucidity.


* Vine, Peter; 1995; The heritage of Oman; London; Immel Publishers

b.8) Merit and Qualifications:

As more and more female professional and diverse staff are joining the workforce (Jerermy Jones, 2012). Oman is greeting a new era of admirable virtues and positive reformation. The transition is moving at a slow but visible pace.

References : 

* Jones, Jeremy; 2012; Oman, Culture and diplomacy; Edinburgh; EdinburghUniversity Press


Phase-03 Apparatus of the environmental ranges and Rebuttal 

Aforementioned pronunciation of all the catalysts and leveraged components, having been deconstructed to an atomic proportion, the ground of evidence had been ploughed for sowing the critical comparative studies and reaping the fruits of conclusive elements to yield the famine of rehabilitation.
For every action there are two probable returning course of reaction, first the positive one which is counted as merits or pros and second which are counted as cons or demerits (Brooks, 2000). It must be established that on account of absence of a clear and visible platonic ideal state, the implications of the said action may be dispersed in mingled projections, resulting in the formulation of reactions with some partial credit lying in pros with more demerits and/or deficient in cons with greater merits (Benmamoun, 2016). There is no perfect solution, as the results are to be based on best fit and most coherent and relevant arguments, trimmed for the particular economic environment and its further appropriation.


* I., Brooks; 2000; The Business Environment; Harlow, England; Financial Times, Prentice halls
* Benmamoun,Mamoun;A. Kalliny, Morris; Alhorr, Hadi; 2016; Middle East Business Environment;;;
Accessed on [08 Nov,2019]

The perspective is as important as the angel with which it is to be applied for piloting the conclusion. In the light of facts discovered and data compiled following altercation may be applied for with equilateral benefit of the rebuttal:

  1. The aspects and effects of role of Government enforcement.
  2. Takeaways and keepsakes of the beta.
  3. A model organizational environment and aftereffects.

1.The Aspects and Effects of Role of Government Enforcement:

 It can be deduced without a shrewd examination of external factors acting on the shaping of any organization’s environment and development curve It is clear the government policies directly or indirectly plays a big role (Emery and Trist). The Legal policies and Lawful proceedings has the potential to either deviate an organization on the path to success or push them astray into the abyss of seized existence (Treverton, 2010). On a local calibre the taxes, rate of inflation, law and order situation, customs regulations, logistics propensities, infrastructure, educational opportunities, Loans and commerce, banking policies, insurance, foreign investment credibility, judicial transparency, employees rights and numerous macro and micro economics undertakings, directly affect the efficiency of the respective corporation with the operational radius of that governing body.


* F.Treverton, Gergory; 2010; Making policy in the shadow of the future; Santa Monica; RAND Publishers
* Trist, E.L; Emery, F.E; The Causal Texture of Organizational Environments; Sage Journal; Vol. 18, Issue 1; Pages (21-32); Accessed on [07 November,2019]

Corporations look to benefit from the policies of the governments which goes in the monetary durability and shy away from the assigned legal obligations, as a way to escape the minimization of profits (Meyer and Scott, 1984). The role of the government is not limited to the creation of a business friendly environment for organizations but is a mere phase, transitioning into a much broader spectrum of duties. The Audit of procedures and warranty of transparency and authenticity of these audits and conducting stakeholder. Updation and revision of policies based on summation of final outcomes and as a depicted reflection of aggregate of feedback from the business class.


* Scott, W.Richard; Meyer, w. John, (1984); Environmental linkages and Organizational complexity; Calif. U.S.A; Stanford University Press.
* Meyer, John w.; Scott, W.Richard; (1983); Organizational Environments, Ritual and rational; United States of America; Sage Publications.

2. Takeaways and keepsakes of the beta:

The takeaways and keepsakes of the environmental argument cannot be computed with a generalized and simplified equation (Gregory and Donald). The point of this rebuttal is to establish is that any particular course of action (i.e. an implemented policy of a government) may have positive or negative implications pertaining to not only the geographical factors but also to the time period which are most efficacious on the occasion. For example a hike of fuel in the period of heightened exports bracket, may damage the economy and have further determinants for the local corporations and businesses while the increase in fuel costs during an import regime may have reciprocal implications.
Likewise the authoritative figurines with in an organization can benefit from the enforcement of variables of policies and laws (George Edwards,1984), keeping in view the realistic implications and practical insinuations of regulations and policies.


* W.Beard Donald, G.Dress, Gregory; Dimensions of Organizational Task Environments; Administrative Science Quarterly; Vol.29, Issue. 01; Pages (52-73)
* Edwards, George; 1984; Public Policy Implementation; Greenwich, Conn; JAI Press

3. A model organizational environment and aftereffects:

Any organization with favorable external and internal environmental factors is a corporation which has a merit based management, with a proclivity driven management style and a liquid applicators of policies, inclusive of elements of innovation at every step and milestone. A proper mechanism in placement for ensuring the transparency of carried out operations on a micro level. Only an imminent attitude and open end interpretation makes room for destruction of passive vices of policies and rehabilitation of a model organizational environment and economic reform.


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