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What to expect, When buying for an E-reader!
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20XX E-Book Readers! 
January 01, 20XX

(As Available In Franchise)

Year 20xx has been dubbed as the year for e-readers and manufacturers of many major cellphone and communication giants have flooded the market with a wide range of e-book readers leaving much to be deliberated and scrutinized by the common reader. Whilst enabling the users to have a huge variety of brands and variants to choose from, this tray of options also confronts the consumers with the factor of “over-choice”.
It is easy to get caught-up in weighing the features and properties to get max value out of final purchase. Just like any other product there is no one size fits all and knowing the pointers based on personal preference can assist in making the process quicker.
There are plenty of articles and videos available online either sponsored by big corporations, ad-agencies and content marketers or tech-experts and critiques.
However almost most data is composed from the manufacturer's point of view as to what they have to offer and what features are to be offered by their competitors in the market i.e the bird's eye view.
Considering that brands are designed with a generalized perspective targeted to fit the needs of a big chunk of targeted demographic with a single design, the chances of hitting every ticker on an individual buyer’s checklist maybe slimmed down.

A good shopper’s trick to not get swept under the rug is by focusing on the personal preferences to be able to identify the necessary and optional features to get the best results.Keeping that view in mind a list of considerable features goes as under:

1.E-ink Technology:

E-ink technology has been around since the 1970s and thus far have been commercialized by many e-book readers bigwigs like amazon, kindle, kobo, nook and sony. In terms of appearances it is only available in black, white and grey displays with multiple brightness, contrast and text magnification settings. This technology is said to reduce the strain on eyesight of readers by cutting back on blue-light.However the slow processing speed is a major drawback.On the plus side the ability to retain referencing features like ‘history’ and ‘X-ray’ elevate the quality of a read by leaps and bounds.

2. Online Integration and Connectivity: 

With an exception of few options most e-readers does not offer Android as an Operating system(OS).Discarding the traditional apps stores (i.e Playstore and iOSstore)as well as hassle of socializing options for users (deemed as a positive reading aid). With the help of built-in browsers web-surfing,online research and article reading is made possible. Most if not all e-readers provides 3G connectivity and most recent versions also have a 4G set-up.
Although It is best to dive into all available online sync options (gmail accounts, Emails, E-files shares ) and offline file sharing options ( USB port,Bluetooth, cable transfers) beforehand.

3. Battery Life & Audio-books:
Most e-readers comes with a staggering battery life of upto 2-4 weeks. Major operations revolving around supporting readable file formats. Many recent versions of e-readers are equipped with MP3 and MP4 players. As the way to support audio e-books and stream videos over the web which can significantly reduce the battery life.

4.Free E-books:

This is one of the most important factors being actively overlooked in most reviews and product descriptions. There are plenty of free e-book archives, e-libraries and literary collections available online over read and review platforms. Most e-readers focus on encouraging readers to purchase books. Reading apps can be installed with independent app-stores like AmazonStore, SlideMe, 1MobileMarket, Mobile9 etc.

5.Covers and Customization Options:

E-readers are designed with a view to provide a high-tech and elated experience for the 21st century book enthusiasts. Depending on the requirement and comfort ability of the consumers, e-readers are available from 04 inches to 13 inches displays. Growing number of online readers alongside more and more authors opting to publish and register their books with online services have nudged manufacturers to offer new customization options like multiple device colors, themed skins and fancy jackets. There are many independent vendors rendering customization solutions exclusively.

6.Dimensions and File Formats:

More and more recent editions of freshly released e-readers are getting smaller and lighter in size for more portable usage. However there are certain advocates of classic approach who would love their e-readers to replicate the weight, feel and dimensions of a real book. It is highly recommended to check and confirm all the frequently used file formats (Epub, PDF, MOBI,Doc,Plaintext,DocX, JPG etc) being compatible with the device in question since most e-readers only offer a selected number of options in this regard.


It is a somewhat overrated feature, which may not have much practical implications under normal circumstances. Even though on case to case basis for example: a chef working in a kitchen, a life-guard, a mom with a toddler or an Olympic swimmer who’s also an active reader, it might matter a lot more. Water proofing is however marketed as a value added feature and can be a life saver in the event of an unfortunate accident.

Aforementioned aspects can be surveyed in order to nitpick and to pinpoint all the necessary aspects of an e-reader before placing the final order. Brand loyalty is good and trust built with frequent advertising is great but at the end of the day if a popular product fails to fit the demands and expectations of a particular buyer, none of us would be the wiser.


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