The Chill Pill

The first human beings using herbs and wild shrubs changed the course of our health and medicine forever. The earliest use of medicinal plants dates back to 45,000 to 40,000 years ago and from there on wards the journey of pharmaceuticals have only progressed aloft. Through trial and error, experiments matched with observations and healing secrets passed onto generations after generations. The skeletons buried in the backyard of modern medicine are filled with cruelly gothic and terribly grim tales. The shamans and spiritual healers have thankfully passed on the torch to the pharmacist and psychologist. Barbaric malpractices like 'trepanning' and 'lobotomy' have been discarded completely. More so ever invention of anesthetics and painkillers have humanized the medicinal practice by leaps.

In the present age the medical providers are a billion dollar industry with monetary functions like health Insurance and value added services like the paramedics made accessible. Education and legislation have assumed the role to support the ailing masses and NGOs have played a vital role in establishing health care as a basic human right. While we should be grateful to have arrived at this point there is much to be done in terms of awareness and training for common man to fully grasp the applications as well as the detriments related to this profession.

Since the manufacturers and medical services facilitators have been transformed into pure for profit organizations. The want for individual guidance is greater than ever before. If it is permitted for patience to depend at the mercy of medical practitioners solely without any accountability or quality assurance we will be putting the very life of masses at risk quite literally. We can start by putting an end to unsolicited marketing of medical supplies on a public scale with law enforcement first and by educating the new and old generations alike regarding the hidden side-effects and ramifications second.

The birth of the 21st century has brought innumerable amounts of technological bliss and scientific
break-through but like every previous century this one is also blemished by human ignorance equally likely, which is the commercialization and legalization of performance enhancing drugs. There has been considerable celebrity endorsements and glamorization for this requital trade. Several tabloids and mainstream media are actively and/or passively engaged with encouraging drug culture onto the young susceptible generation. These criminal undertakings have the potential to have devastating and catastrophic perennial effects if not stopped.

It is relatively easier to address an issue posing visible threat but an uphill task to deal with an enemy within the ranks. Here we can survey the less discussed topics about the side-effects and malpractices of profession within the field. When a certain medicine is allowed to enter the populous to be circulated on a massive scale. We rarely acknowledge or inquire after the factors responsible for the passing of the government officials paper thin screening processes. Whether the successful eradication of a targeted disease or the profit statement embezzlement enabled the availability of new vaccines remains a secret kept by few.

Not in many cultures and societies medical malpractice is addressed with the attention and significance it should be dealt with. With people only reacting against a case of fatal consequence and the reprimands and consequences being none to negligible. Though it is not advisable to hold a profession as noble as a doctor under undue criticism and negative propaganda, by all means it is intensely plausible to put into structure a well-versed accountability system at every step of the medical process to provide both the doctors and their patients  justifiable rights and responsibilities. Only through an open mind and readiness for improvement can we work towards making the health care sector a blessing for all and sundry.


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